
Cyber Security is an umbrella term for the technologies and good practices that an organisation puts in place to protect its servers, systems, networks, devices, programmes and data from cyber attacks. Not too long ago, cyber security was viewed as an extension of the IT department and as an IT problem. However, in recent years, given the massive explosion in the number and complexity of cyber attacks, the domain has quickly cemented its position as one of the major business concerns.

Ransomeware attacks, in the last 5 years, have brought the biggest of businesses to their knees, costing them thousands (and often millions) of dollars in payouts and much more in operational and reputational damage.

These attacks have propelled even the naysayers to evaluate where they stand with respect to cyber security and accord it the importance it deserves. Because let’s be honest, cyberattacks are only getting more dangerous and expensive for businesses across the world.

In today’s connected world, everyone benefits from advanced cyberdefense programs. At an individual level, a cybersecurity attack can result in everything from identity theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of important data like family photos. Everyone relies on critical infrastructure like power plants, hospitals, and financial service companies. Securing these and other organizations is essential to keeping our society functioning.

— Greg York

Here are several roles in field of Cyber Security:

  • Application Security.
  • Data loss prevention.
  • Forensics.
  • Network Security.
  • Threat Intelligence.

Everyone also benefits from the work of cyberthreat researchers, like the team of 250 threat researchers at Talos, who investigate new and emerging threats and cyber attack strategies. They reveal new vulnerabilities, educate the public on the importance of cybersecurity, and strengthen open source tools. Their work makes the Internet safer for everyone.

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It is, therefore, wise to acknowledge and address the colossal threat that cybercrime has become today and be prepared for the worst.

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